Monday, October 4, 2010


Patricia A Bash (Trish) a long time In-House employee doing payroll has joined up with American Payroll Association to extend her training in Payroll and HR. After 8 years of Payroll Service at In-House Production, Trish PASSED the FUNDAMENTAL PAYROLL CERTIFICATION test from American Payroll Association. A test with 150 questions and 3 hours to do them in. Not bad for walking in and taking a test. CONGRATULATION TRISH....


Catherine Wokasch (Sparrow) has been a Entertainment Rigger in Las Vegas and work for and with In-House Production for some time now. After all the years of learning her trade in the Entertainment Industry as a Rigger, she sent off her paperwork to ETCP to see if she could qualify to become a ETCP ARENA RIGGER. ETCP sent back the okay and she was off taking the test. Sparrow is the First Female to take the test in Las Vegas and PASS. IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION CONGRATULATIONS SPARROW FOR BECOMING THE FIRST FEMALE ETCP ARENA RIGGER IN NEVADA/LAS VEGAS.

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